Blank pleading paper, 28 lines, 1-inch left and right margins, double and single border lines
This blank legal pleading paper has 28 lines; 1-inch left and right margins; and double and single border lines. It uses continuous numbering, which continues with line 29 on the second page. The PDF of this template includes the first ten pages.
This legal pleading template belongs to these categories: pleading_paper
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This legal pleading template is easy to download, customize (DOC version only), and print.
Legal Pleading Papers, blank pages numbered along the left edge, are available in formats that satisfy the requirements of many courts. You can download them in PDF or DOC format. Print the PDF forms and write your text onto them, or open the DOC versions in Word or other compatible programs, and enter your text directly into the templates.
Legal Pleading Templates, customizable versions of legal pleading documents in formats that suit the requirements of many courts, are available in Microsoft Word (.DOC) format. Download them and open them in Word or any other word processor compatible with the .DOC format, and type your information directly into the templates.